Megan Fox Tattoos
Megan Fox now has a total of 8 tattoo's. Let's go through the list:
Megan Fox has one on her upper right shoulder which reads "we will all laugh at glided butterflies" it is a Shakespeare quote from King Lear meaning to not get caught up in Hollywood.

Megan Fox Tattoos

Megan Fox has written on her ribcage a poem it says "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart"
Megan Fox has a tattoo of Marylin Monroe on her right forearm.
She has her boyfriend (Now Husband's) Name tattooed on right hip
On her right ankle she has a star and moon symbol.
She has two waves in a circular pattern on her left inside wrist.
The Symbol for Strength on her neck.
She also has on the left side of her lower back tattoo a quote by Angela Monet that Reads "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."

Megan Fox Tattoos List

Megan Fox Tattoos

Megan Fox Tattoos

Megan Fox Tattoos


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