College years are the best years of a girl’s life. It is when she has no responsibility and no worries. They are the years when a girl becomes independent. Fashion plays a huge part in a girl’s life at this time. Skirts are just one of the pieces of clothing girls obsess over at that age. There are many different styles of short skirts. College girls prefer to wear light but not shocking colors on a normal day to school. 
They like to keep it simple with floral and small patterned designs. Small motifs or a little embroidery has become very common for day to day use. When these girls have to go to a college party they have to dress up, so this is when they pull out their sequins short skirts. These sequins short skirts are usually in very flamboyant colors such as hot pink, bright red, purple and orange. These sequins skirts are mostly paired with a plain black or white shirt with high six inch heels. Short skirts are high in demand when it comes to college girls and their fashion.

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