It was so good trip for me!!! 
Thank you so much for waiting customers.
帰国しました。大変有意義な出張でした。お待たせしたお客様には大変申し訳ありませんでした。時差ボケや軽い風邪で体調は万全ではありませんが、気力だけは誰にも負けません笑。今後ともよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

Now I'm coming to SF for Bay Area tattoo convention. 

The brother Brian flew from Dallas Texas to get his sleeve started. Check it out...

We did it! Right after that my friends landed from France to come visit me,we drove from The west coast to the east. After a 52 hours drive, first stop Atlantic city where I met up with the "easy does it" crew who got us a pant house for the week. It was non stop work with 3 hours sleep per night. Next stop NYC where we staid an other week in the center of manhattan. I did a couple more tattoos there and linked up with my big bro nick from d9. It was a dream for me to visit NYC and such a good experience to do it with my friends. I could talk about this trip for hours... Here is a couple of pictures to give you guys an idea of what went down, a video is on the work and will be dropped on the blog soon! Enjoy