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Back tribal tattoos have become very popular in recent modern times, this article explains why.
For centuries we have painted ourselves with tattoos and recently the appearance of this body art form has exploded in popularity with great numbers of people getting themselves inked.
There are a variety of different styles in tattoo design from crude home made forms using a bottle of shop bought ink and a sewing needle to highly sophisticated methods involving the latest colors of ink and very quick needle guns employed by professional tattooists. They get the job done in record time and some of these tattooists are close to being the modern equivalent of a Michelangelo or Pablo Picasso.
What is achieved by the tattoo artists using their great designs and colored ink is quite remarkable.
Why do folk settle for getting inked with historical designs that are normally in the single colors of henna or black? The answer is multi faceted and begin in the mists of time. Historically, before we communicated properly with speech, we used this art form as a way of communicating with each other.

Tribal Back Tattoos Designs| Tribal Back Tattoos Idea

Many of us will have seen cavemen animal drawings on cave walls and the depiction was normally so good we could tell which animals they were. Drawing on their bodies became a natural extension of that art form. The inked body drawings would tell of great victories and other notable events.
Tribal chiefs had special unique designs that would show their rank in the tribe and the most effectively the place for tribal tattoos was on their backs because they could be followed into wars or when tracking for animals. In ancient times the tribes used to follow the leader and those commanders led up front rather than "leading" safely from the back, behind their tribesmen which is the usual way in warfare now.
Back tribal tattoos have become popular with women as they have a flattering effect on the shape of a woman's body. The waist is given the illusion of being smaller whereas the hips appear to be enhanced giving an overall more shapely appearance.
Men often prefer their tribal back tattoos on the upper back which again enhances the body shape appearance by giving the effect of widening the shoulders, reducing the waist and giving the impression of the classic V shape.

Tribal tattoos refer to the tattoos of tribal, warrior races and modern derivative designs that are influenced by ancient art. The modern word “tattoo” has its origins in the tribal Samoan word “tatau”. The first written reference to tribal tattoos is in the journal of Joseph Banks, an 18th century biologist and naturalist who traveled with Captain Cook aboard the HMS Observer. Banks wrote, “I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly” and described how Pacific Islanders marked their skins with inks.. The tribal tattoos described by Joseph Banks had by then been a tradition of the Samoan people for centuries.
The History of Tribal Tattoos
Tribal tattoos have existed for centuries, as indelible markings inked into the skin. On every continent, evidence has been found that reveals that tattoos were a part of almost every ancient culture. Tribal peoples all over the world created tattoo cultures independently of each other, which means that each continent has its own unique style of body art. Sometimes these ancient body markings used inks and powders to give the tattoos color, but often the tattoos were a form of decorative scarification.
Great Britain takes its name from the art of tattooing. The tribal name Briton can be translated literally as people of the designs. The Picts, another ancient British tribe, were named so because of their tattoos.

Tribal Cover Up Tattoos Designs| Tribal Cover Up Tattoos Idea

Picts means painted people. The art of tattooing became less popular during the rise of Christianity in the west. It was only when Europeans began to explore the world, discovering tattoo art on other continents, that tattoos once again became popular in western countries. Up until the late 20th century, tattoos were considered taboo in many European social classes, and were worn mostly by sailors, prisoners and soldiers. Traditional British tattoos that are popular these days generally take their form from Celtic designs. The Celts were an ancient European race made up of hundreds of tribes stretching from the British Isles across the Mediterranean. The art work of these tribes is very popular as tattoo designs, especially the Celtic cross and Celtic knots. These lattice work designs are often worked into image of trees, birds or symbols to add an ancient, Celtic essence to the design.
The majority of tribal tattoos that are popular today have their origins in the tattoos of island people such as the Samoans. Samoan tattoos are divided into two groups, pe’a for male tattoos and malu for female tattoos. The Samoans use tattoos as a way to continue their cultural and ethnic traditions. Pe’a are large, intricate tattoos that can cover most of a man’s lower body, from the waist to the knees. Malu are not as large or as dark. These tattoo designs have existed for centuries, passed down from one generation to another.
If you are only interested in a temporary or impermanent cover-up, consider incorporating clothing or accessories into your wardrobe that cover up the design during necessary times like job interviews or formal parties. Long sleeved shirts in dark colors will mask most upper body tribal tattoos. If your tattoo is not able to be covered by clothing, invest in specially designed make-up that is specifically formulated to cover dark tattoos. The heavy foundation can be purchased to match your skin tone, though it does wear over several hours and is not typically water resistant.

The angel and devil tattoos that most people would put on their bodies would be of the "spiritual being" variety, as opposed to the "holy person" or “evil person” variety. Another definition that's sometimes given for the term "angel" involves someone who financially backs a theatrical production; somehow, it seems unlikely that anyone's going to want an illustration like that anywhere on their body.

Angel Devil Tattoos Designs| Angel Devil Tattoos Idea

Angel/Devil Hybrid Figure

  • A figure, typically of a woman, that is half-angel and half-devil can be an interesting tattoo idea. Wings generally represent the angelic side, while small horns sprouting from the forehead area (or at the top of the head) represent the devilish side. The angel/devil hybrid figure can be customized in any way the tattoo artist and the customer wish.

Angel Wing Tattoos

  • Angel wings, often placed on the back around the shoulder blade area, are a popular choice for people who want a large tattoo that is easily concealable. Angel wings may extend from the top of the shoulder blade to the mid-back, or down to the tail bone. Angel wings are generally inked to look feathery, light, and give the illusion of motion when the person moves. Angel wings can represent religion, loved ones who have passed away, or just a beautiful tattoo design.

Devil Wing Tattoos

  • Devil wing tattoos are quite different from angel wing designs, often presenting a much darker and stylized appearance. Devil wings are generally inked to look scaly, dark, and pointed at the tips. Some people who choose devil tattoos may elect to have not just devil wings, but also a demon in the center of those wings, seemingly emerging from the back.

Cartoon Angel/Devil

  • An angel and devil tattoo can be done cartoon-style. A figure, either male or female, is sometimes drawn in anime style (generally this is a young teen or child, as with most anime characters). The figure can be drawn with both a halo as the symbol of an angel, and a pitchfork as the symbol of the devil. The figure can also have a harp, wings, a long flowing robe or other angelic symbols. Other devilish symbols can include scaly wings, horns, red eyes or fire.

Angel/Devil Hearts

  • A pair of hearts can be inked, one symbolizing an angel and the other symbolizing the devil. The angel heart can be red, blue, white, gold or silver and can be topped with a golden halo or wings. The devil heart can be red, black, gray or other dark color, and may be topped with tiny horns, a forked tail, or other devilish symbol. The forked tail and the wings, if used, can be merged together to unite the two hearts if desired.

Tattoo Angel of Death Designs
In tattoos you can express your self in your way that’s the great thing about them. From many centuries peoples are tattooing their body permanently and make pictures on their body and have many different designs.

Tattoo Angel of Death Designs

In angel tattoos design it is a very large category which also contain many sub- categories too. In death tattoos there are many other categories like
  • Grim reaper
  • Skull and bones
  • Skeletons
  • Death heads
They don’t  just only represent death but also kinds of personal religious and political beliefs. One thing must remember before having a tattoos that understand their meanings and there relations with that design. We have uploaded some interesting pictures of angel of death tattoos must watch them and give your comments on it thank you.

Tattoo Angel of Death Designs

Tattoo Angel of Death Designs

Tattoo Angel of Death Designs

Over the years, the Hawaiian flower tattoos has become increasingly popular. The Hawaiian flower tattoos are also known to be the symbolism of beauty and feminine and thus, the reason why it has become such a popular choice of tattoo design for the ladies.It comes in various sizes, colors and even different level of details. But, do you know that besides being a popular symbol of beauty, the Hawaiian flower tattoo design is also a tattoo design that has lots of meanings behind it? One of the most popular designs amongst all Hawaiian flower tattoos is the Hibiscus flower tattoo. The hibiscus is also the state flower of the beautiful Hawaii Island. And many of the native Hawaiian tattooed the hibiscus flower to symbolize their connection with the beautiful island. And also, there are lots of tourists who love the island so much that they get a hibiscus flower tattooed on themselves too! Besides being a symbol for the love of the Hawaii Island, the hibiscus flower tattoo can also represent purity. So if you are looking for a tattoo to show your love for the Hawaii Island or symbolize pureness, the Hawaiian state flower, the hibiscus, will make an excellent choice.

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos Designs| Hawaiian Flower Tattoos Idea

 Other Hawaiian flower tattoos like the plumeria or the birds of paradise is definitely some other great alternatives as well. Because it is feminine, soft and represents feminine ideals like peacefulness or a liking for the natural surroundings. If you are worried that the Hawaiian flower tattoos will grow out of style, you need not to! Because this tattoo design has been around for years and instead of growing out of style, it has actually grown to be much more popular than it was! And if you are worried that you Hawaiian flower tattoos will become just another generic tattoo, there are actually lots of options for you to make the tattoo design unique. You can change the color of the design, the size or even add some backgrounds to the design. For example, you can have a fire red hibiscus flower tattoo with a few leaping dolphins in the background. If you are searching for Hawaiian flower tattoos online, you can check out this blog on Hawaiian flower tattoos to learn more tips on how to search for the perfect tattoo designs online!

Are you contemplating getting a tribal upper back tattoo? Whatever design you may decide on getting, it will basically reflect your personality and your aesthetic taste. Once you have decided, the hardest and most important part comes: searching for the perfect design to put on your skin. Time and effort is mandatory in finding this perfect design. It can make or break your tattoo and how people will appreciate it. Take the time and the effort, it is definitely worth doing.

Ideas for Upper Back Tribal Tattoos
One of the advantage of having a tattoo on the upper back is that there is larger space available and hence, one can go for elaborate tattoo designs. Secondly, these tattoos can be camouflaged with clothes when one does not wish to flaunt.

Upper Back Tribal Tattoos Designs| Upper Back Tribal Tattoos Idea

Tribal Lion Tattoo
The lion is one of the awe-inspiring creatures in the world. As it is known as the King of the Jungle, it is associated with all the qualities related to a leader. A lion symbolizes might, strength, power, force and vitality. Also, as a leader, the lion is also considered as a protector and guardian. A tribal lion tattoo can be made in different forms like the roaring lion, angry lion, peaceful lion, etc. Secondly, people born under the sun sign Leo can also sport tribal lion tattoos.Tribal Dragon Tattoo
The dragon, although a mythical figure, is also one of the most fascinating creatures in the world. The dragon is found in mythical stories, folk tales and fairly tales in nearly all parts of the world. In most of the tales, the dragon is symbolized as the keeper of castles, etc. and hence, is associated with qualities like strength, vigor and power. Peculiarly, in some cultures, meanings like wisdom and wit are also associated with the dragon. Tribal dragon tattoos are simply perfect to draw on the upper back, because of the availability of the larger surface area.Tribal Cross Tattoo
The cross has been one of the widely used and most recognized symbols in the world. The cross is the symbol of Christianity and hence, stands for faith, religion and spirituality. The Egyptian cross is also equally popular and favored by many people all over the world. You can go for the simple cross design or be creative and come up with different ideas like the cross with wings, etc.Tribal Sun Tattoo
Sun tattoos also represent more or less similar qualities as that of the lion tattoos. The sun was worshiped in nearly all parts of the world in ancient times. The sun also symbolizes reincarnation, fertility, motherhood, etc. The sun, drawn together with the moon, symbolizes the union of the male and the female and hence, is one of the best tribal upper back tattoos for men and women. Sun tattoos can be drawn in different forms like the smiling sun, angry sun, etc. The flames of the sun can be drawn in attractive designs in the tribal tattoo form.Before going for a permanent tattoo, as a word of caution, one should remember that tattoo making and removal is a painful process. Lastly, a tattoo should always be made by a professional artist to prevent the risk of infection. Good luck!
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