My boy Orlando was in the building a couple days ago. He flew in from new jersey to get a portrait of his father, "Don Vicente." Orlando was here with his best friend Anthony and it was a blast.  We had a lot of work to do but we also had lots of fun. Between jokes and stories from each of us, We had a really good time! Thank you guys, here is the result of the session...

Here is a early look into Brice's sleeve project. Check it out...

If you follow the lowrider family i don't have to present to you a good friend of mine Miguel Ochoa. For a couple years now Miguel has been puting it down with his lettering styles as well as fine line black and grey. Yesterday after everybody shut the shop down Miguel and i stayed in order to seal his piece. It was a real honor that homie let me filled his last gap on his right forearm right next to Jun's and Abey's work. Here his a view on Miguel's arm. Check it out...

Here is a early look into some portrait i started this week. Check it out...

Perla got a portrait of her young brother that passed away 2 months ago in a tragic car accident. It's always an honor when people trust you for such a delicate piece.

Alan came in to get a portrait of his uncle that also passed away. During the tattoo Alan went through his uncle's life and it remains a really humble man that has been helping people durring his entire life.

My boy Adrian was back at the studio to keep adding on his sleeve with 3 roses symbolising the members of his familly. Have a look

The next day after geting out of the marine corp Anthony went straight up for the hand shot... Check it out