Jose came in to get his first piece, what a better way to start his collection than with a portrait of his little girl... 

"Daughter are angles sent from above to fill our heart with unending love"  J. Lee 

My boy Florian flew in from France to get a very special piece on his right forearm. An Angel thinking, symbolising for him a new start in his life, a rebirth... check it out..

Here is two small roses i have done not to long ago. Check it out...

My boy marck had to filled a gap on his right ankle, we choose to go with a design from one of my biggest inspiration the man "Chuey Quintanar".

We layed down the first fondation of nick's hand.

Duardo gave me the honor to filled the last gap on his neck right next to his mom and sister's portrait. 

Nikklas flew in from germany yesterday to get his sleeve started. Nikklas sat all the way through for a solid first session. It was a very productive and long night. Check it out.

Oscar came in today with the idea of getting a tattoo to represent his wife.  The letter V was the subject of his design.  After i pieced it together, we went straight to work.  check it out.